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Ovenu: The Franchise To Deliver A Prosperous New Year

Ovenu: The Franchise To Deliver A Prosperous New Year

Invest in an Ovenu franchise, says company founder and managing director Rik Hellewell

Here’s wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2018 from the team at Ovenu.

Our franchisees have survived the seasonal onslaught of enquiries and the inevitable requests for our service, giving ridiculously small amounts of notice.

Last minute

Still, nobody this year got close to a request we had on Christmas Eve a couple of years ago from a guy asking for his oven to be professionally spruced up first thing the following morning before his mother-in-law arrived for dinner.

We’ll always try to help whenever we can, but our franchisee in question figured this was a step too far!

You’d think being bombarded with enquiries and orders is always a good position to be in, wouldn’t you? In the main, you would be correct, but there are some serious considerations to be made before a definitive answer can be given.

These considerations aren’t always obvious, so here’s a couple for you to ponder in a selection of carefully worded questions:

Exactly how much did it cost to get the masses of enquiries through in the first place and which were the most cost effective? In addition to that and significantly more to the point, what is the cost of the overflow when you try to squeeze a quart into a pint pot?

What damage is the overflowing liquid going to cause? Could it cause a slip hazard?

Could somebody actually get hurt as a result?

Who could benefit off the back of your marketing efforts other than you? Are you inadvertently making a competitor wealthy?

These might seem to be pretty odd questions for an oven cleaning franchise to be asking, but there’s a small amount of method in our madness.

The purpose of asking questions like those above is to help you look at things from more of a business perspective, rather than how an oven cleaning operator might see things.

This is because cleaning ovens to the highest possible standard is just one of the components that make up our franchise package. There are two extra parts and these actually have nothing to do with cleaning at all - marketing and client retention.

As you can imagine, all three are inextricably linked and somewhat hopeless in isolation.

Valuable knowledge

Working with us as an Ovenu franchisee gives you the opportunity to learn and benefit from nearly 25 years of valuable knowledge and experience - not just how to clean ovens.

Our cloud-based operation manual contains an unrivalled amount of leading questions, plus all the hints and tips we’ve collected over the years.

And as you’ve probably figured out, a huge amount of information about ‘all things business’ as well - all geared up and ready to provide the most comprehensive offering in the oven cleaning and valeting sector ever.

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