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InXpress’ Penny Per Shipment campaign raises over £11k for charity

Posted: 15 Jan 2022
Estimated Read Time: about 3 minutes

Every November the network commits to raising money, one penny at a time, which has led to life-changing acts of kindness

InXpress franchisees are as passionate about making a difference as they are about their businesses. This is why every November, the network goes all out when it comes to raising money by donating at least 1p for every shipment booked throughout the month. Many offices have, over the last few years, chosen to pledge well above 1p per shipment. And, this time InXpress has broken its fund-raising record for a fifth consecutive year, rasing £11,239.71.

Anyone within the InXpress UK network can put forward a person, a charity, or an idea of where it can use this to have a positive impact, and make a difference. The InXpress Give Back Committee is then responsible for managing the funds and making sure the donations are used to help improve the lives of others.

The Penny Per Shipment campaign has gone a long way to enabling InXpress to have a positive impact, even finding ways to help save lives in the future. Over 2021, this included:
· Offering support to franchisee, Debbie, as she bravely went through her cancer treatment
· Providing the first of a number of defibrillators, around the UK, thanks to a suggestion by Lisa at InXpress North Surrey
· Purchasing a specially-adapted race-chair for a special girl and her dad, who use it to raise money for other severely disabled children, thanks to InXpress Birmingham South
· Supporting the work of Little LifeSavers who teach year six children how to do basic lifesaving, in an emergency situation – usually at home, thanks to InXpress Gatwick
· Providing football kits to children in Ghana, thanks to InXpress Coventry.

“The Penny Per Shipment campaign is an important part of our calendar,” explained Melanie Spencer, InXpress’ global head of marketing. “We love finding ways to make a genuine difference to the lives of people we know, as well as those in other countries. The money we raise each November gives InXpress the platform to turn our pennies into action. I’m excited to see how many people we are able to make a difference to, in 2022.”

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