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Want to grow a rewarding education business?

Want to grow a rewarding education business?

Absolutely! Pitman Training does it with you

Education is needed to build a future for those whose jobs have become uncertain.

And Pitman Training has opened more than a dozen territories in the last year because the need for a quality adult education centre has never made more sense.

Pitman Training, as a leading adult education brand, partners with its franchise community to provide quality training, offering hope for those who are looking for a new direction and a new future.

But as a Pitman Training franchisee, you don’t have to do it on your own.

You can join the leading learning brand that partners with you to grow your business. When you partner with Pitman Training, you aren’t growing your business on your own - you are growing it in partnership with Pitman Training.

Did you know that pitman training:

Generates leads for you.

The company’s national advertising generates leads for its franchise community. Last year over 53,000 leads were generated through Pitman Training and distributed to its franchise community.

Has national accounts that refer funded students to local franchisees.

When you’ve been around for as long as Pitman Training has, you get known for your quality training products.

The company is a preferred supplier of education and training with its national accounts.

Owning a Pitman Training centre means you can and should take advantage of this preferred relationship to generate income for your centre.

Hosts assessments and examinations.

Did you know that Pitman Training centres host assessments for students who need to write examinations for external accreditation - even if the student didn’t take their training course at Pitman Training?

This provides an additional revenue stream for franchisees, launching them towards profitability more quickly.

Transform your life

The long and short of it is that Pitman Training actively participates in helping you grow your business.

While you’re in business for yourself, you aren’t in business by yourself.

Don’t hesitate to contact Pitman Training if you want to transform your life while transforming the lives of the students you train.

There is no greater joy than seeing your students thrive and land jobs or promotions, while at the same time providing an income and future for your own family.

At a glance


franchising since 1992

Number of franchised outlets:


Location of units:

UK, Republic of Ireland, international

Investment range:

franchise fee starting from £40,000-plus

Minimum required capital:

£80,000-£100,000 total investment


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Profit Chart
Funding Support Available ? Help is available. Check out our franchising funds guide.


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Expected Revenue After 2 Years


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