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Setting them up for life

Setting them up for life

ComputerXplorers’ franchisees transform children from digital consumers to creators

In 2017, five of the top 25 UK jobs* were technology-led positions, ranging from solutions architect to mobile developer. And many traditional roles on the list, outside the technology sector, increasingly require core IT skills such as coding.

This trend is set to accelerate as more businesses and industry sectors undergo digital transformation.

With a ComputerXplorers franchise, you can play an active role in priming today’s children for the workplace opportunities of tomorrow. By introducing them to the open ended possibilities of the digital world and nurturing an enthusiasm for technology, you’re setting them up for life.

The opportunity

ComputerXplorers is the leading provider of quality technology education for children aged three to 13. It has multiple income streams, including afterschool clubs, preschools and nurseries, summer camps and in-curriculum time classes.

For preschool children, ComputerXplorers covers everything from podcasting, digital photography, programming and robotics to digital microscopes and an introduction to the internet.

Primary school children learn programming, digital storytelling, animation, web design, coding, forensic science, video game design and music technology.

Classes are linked to the national curriculum in England, the curriculum for excellence in Scotland and the national curriculum for Wales.

Via the classes, children learn how to work in teams and problem solve, while developing a range of technology skills. And because the emphasis is on fun, they don’t realise how much they’re learning.

The market

The potential market in the UK is significant, with more than 11 million children, 34,000 nurseries and preschool groups and 24,000 primary schools. The number of afterschool clubs and holiday schemes is also increasing to meet the childcare needs of working parents.

Each generous ComputerXplorers territory includes at least 300 primary schools and 300 preschools/nurseries.

Franchise benefits

As a ‘work from home’ management franchise, ComputerXplorers has low running costs, while net margins are significant.

The business is inherently flexible. If you want to work year round, the rise of summer camps and holiday clubs makes this feasible. But if family commitments mean you can only work term time, you can shape the business to suit your needs.

What’s in the package?

The initial fee covers substantial software/licences, a bespoke marketing launch programme and an appointment generating system. Also included are a website, laptop, marketing material, training, manuals and a licence to trade.

Franchisees benefit from a continued programme of curriculum development and software reviews, as well as one to one business planning advice. You are in business for yourself, but not by yourself - you’ll take part in regular conference calls, an annual network meeting and ongoing marketing development with the franchisor.

More than 200 bespoke, child friendly curriculum-led sessions have been written exclusively for ComputerXplorers. Franchisees also have access to a comprehensive range of teaching materials, including lesson plans, parental update templates and a suite of marketing collateral.

Franchisee spotlight

Before setting up ComputerXplorers West Surrey in 2011, Alan Harrison worked in entertainment licensing for iconic brands including Warner Brothers and Universal Studios. But as the digital age gathered momentum, he could see that his job would become extinct.

Alan explains: “The writing was on the wall. It was time to look at my options and take control of my own employment future.”

He researched the possibilities, from job opportunities to buying a franchise, as running a business had always appealed to Alan.

“As my degree is in business studies, I felt prepared for the prospect of being my own boss,” he says. “When I came across ComputerXplorers, it ticked all my boxes. The proposition interested me and seemed to deliver the right ratio between risk and reward.”

The professional telemarketing campaign included in the launch package worked well for Alan.

“Having this service took the pressure off having to fi nd business myself in those fi rst weeks,” he says. “I worked with the agency to ensure the campaign was set up to target the right places for maximum eff ect.”

Skills required

ComputerXplorers is looking for people who are confi dent with technology and enthusiastic about its benefi ts. However, franchisees don’t have to be IT experts, as they will recruit, train and manage a team of people to deliver the classes.

ComputerXplorers is ideal for people who want to combine running their own business with raising a family.

At a glance summary

  • Home-based, management franchise.
  • Flexible, family friendly commitment.
  • Generous territories, with at least 600 prospects.
  • Dynamic support programme.
  • Rewarding and fulfi lling.
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