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How to win a franchise award

How to win a franchise award

Industry awards can come with morale-boosting trophies. But entering them requires devoting time to applying – so how can you ensure you make the most of your submission?

The end of awards season is usually marked by a stream of LinkedIn posts boasting of big wins at industry events. These posts often rack up high engagement – and rightly so. Winning at these awards, especially those that receive numerous applications, isn’t easy.

Your brand must stand out to the judges in the submission process and will often be assessed against a set of criteria. It not only means you must have done great things in your franchise but have also written a convincing submission that makes that clear.

It’s also important to remember that entering industry awards is often an investment of time and to give your brand the highest chance of seeing a return, a submission will need some dedicated focus on crafting the right narrative.

With this in mind, we spoke to some of the winners of the British Franchise Awards – one of the biggest industry events within the UK – about what they did to win, what their advice is for becoming a winning business, and whether the award has benefited them.

“Stick to the company values and morals”

Franchisor of the Year – Lifestyle: Extra Help

The financial effects of Covid-19 are still visible throughout business. However, for Extra Help, a care franchise, operating successfully in turbulent times is not an unprecedented situation.

“I set the business up 13 years ago in 2010 on the back of the last recession,” says founder and award-winner, Claire Robinson. “Although it’s sometimes been a tough journey it’s one I’ve absolutely loved and the icing on the cake now is working alongside my daughter Sarah Sanders.”

It was during the pandemic that Claire decided to join the British Franchise Association, and consequently entered the awards – winning franchisor of the year for lifestyle on her first try. “We were absolutely delighted to be finalists and to win was absolutely amazing,” she says.

Claire now hopes to use Extra Help’s winning status to elevate the brand above others in the care sector – an industry not short of franchises – as well as continue the business’ growth. “Winning this award will set us apart from our competitors, the win is for the franchise as a whole, the franchisees, the home helpers, everyone is absolutely delighted.”

However, she also reassures that even winning businesses make mistakes along the way, which shouldn’t perturb franchises from trying their hand at awards in the future. “Setting up a franchise isn’t easy,” she says. “I’ve made lots of mistakes along the way.”

When faced with difficulties she recommends staying focused on putting one foot in front of the other. “Keep believing, when times are tough do what you need to do to survive but keep pushing forward,” says Claire. “Stick to the company values and morals, and most importantly enjoy the journey.”

“Focus solely on your business, not what competitors are doing”

Franchisor of the Year – Gold: Agency Express

Sometimes the draw to entering an industry award can be to highlight projects that have gone on throughout the year. For Agency Express, an estate agency board service franchise, it was the implementation of a QR code system called AgencyQR which enabled those on the ground to turn their boards into active lead generators for minimal cost. A new Keysafe Partnership was also introduced to diversify the franchise model and increase revenue.

Throughout the award process Agency Express highlighted the results it had reaped for its activities. “We increased our rates to clients by more than 10%, enabling our franchisees to comfortably balance their businesses in a challenging economic picture,” says Ben Brookes, MD at Agency Express.

Although the results have been impressive this was a big project and the franchise did face challenges. “Any technology changes you introduce to your business will cost twice as much as you expect and take twice as long to implement as you have planned,” explains Ben.

The project had required patience from the team, who were dealing with technological advances within the business for months on end. However, Agency Express won gold for its efforts which has provided confidence and credibility to staff members as well as the wider industry.

“There’s no doubt the win has already had a positive impact on the mindset of our staff and existing franchisees, but also the number and quality of prospective franchisee leads we are receiving,” says Ben.

It’s very easy to become distracted by what competitors are doing and attempt to replicate their success, especially when it comes to award entries. However, Ben advises that it’s best to not compare and rather concentrate fully on your franchisees. “Focus solely on your business and don’t be led by what competitors and peers are doing,” he says.

“If your network is healthy, happy, and productive then the ideas will flow, and success will be baked into your future.”

“Give it everything you’ve got and don’t give up”

Best Next Generation Franchisee – Brandon Akerman, ChipsAway

Brandon Akerman invested in car repairs franchise ChipsAway at just 21 years old. Within the first six months he transformed his man in a van operation into a car care centre. Now, at 24 years old he has a team of five covering two territories – an accomplishment that’s not been easy.

“There’s been so many times when I’ve thought being self-employed and building a business isn’t worth the struggle,” says Brandon. “I could go and get a standard, safer graduate job but every day I’ve continued to wake up, come to work, and keep building my business.”

It’s an admission that not all franchisees would be willing to make on account of feeling vulnerable but it’s this rollercoaster ride and perseverance that Brandon leaned into when entering the awards. “I think we won based on being relatable, business isn’t always easy and is a real up and down journey,” he explains. “I think maybe the judges appreciated the progression of the business but also my personal goal of being able to buy my first home off the back of starting a franchise.”

The award win has already had a positive impact on lead generation – an after-effect that Brandon hopes will continue. “The press releases have led to a few more customers trusting us with their cars and hopefully that’ll continue into next year.”

He advises those franchisees looking to follow in his award winning footsteps to keep going: “You only fail when you stop trying so just give it everything you’ve got and don’t give up.”

“Don’t assume because it hasn’t yet been done, that it can’t be done”

Special Judges Award – Angelina Mouralidarane, Iceking

Evidence of a franchise’s innovation and agility is often greatly appreciated by judges, but this can be difficult especially for established businesses that have accepted practices. “This is not often experienced in mature brands where you follow a well-defined playbook that has evolved over time,” confirms Angelina Mouralidarine, commercial director at Iceking Group.

With the fridge-freezer franchise, she recently won the Special Judges Award – an achievement Angelina puts down to the brand’s ability to be bold and challenge accepted norms within franchising, which has ultimately led to growth over the past 12 months.

One such activity involved partnering with flagship brands which were able to bring new formats to the franchise network. “It’s a strategic partnership that requires a greater involvement from franchise partners than traditionally expected in mature franchised brands,” explains Angelina. “Innovation and a true entrepreneurial mindset is required to launch these initiatives successfully for well-established businesses in the UK.”

Iceking’s win has resulted in a big dose of positive affirmation for the team, but Angelina also hopes it will provide confidence to other operators within the network to be bold and trust that success can come, even in the early stages of pioneering. The key, she says, is using your business’ core values as a Northern star.

“Align all that you do with your core values and structural foundations to allow you to build at a pace you set,” Angelina recommends. “Don’t assume because it hasn’t yet been done, that it can’t be done.”

“Build your support network inside and outside the business”

Best Lifestyle Franchisee – Jen Fisher, Mini First Aid

Jen Fisher became franchisee of Mini First Aid Sussex during the pandemic, as a mother to one young child and with a background in social work. “These were by no means ideal circumstances,” she says. “I was determined to carve out my own path and work with the highs and lows of my business.”

Sharing this journey with others enabled Jen to overcome these difficulties by building a support network and beneficial connections within the local community. It’s this approach that Jen highlighted in her now award-winning submission for the first aid education franchise.

“My application focused on the growth and success that my business has achieved without compromising class quality and the potential for future growth too,” she says. “I talked about building a bonded and passionate ‘Team Sussex’ who share my goal, values and vision which has helped me expand my franchise territory twice and increase the range of classes offered.”

Naturally, Jen hopes that her win will encourage more people to take up first aid classes. But beyond business growth, she hopes that her achievement will encourage other women not to limit themselves.

“Being able to do the school runs and having a positive community impact are important to me and I absolutely believe I can combine these with a successful business,” she says. Having a supportive infrastructure has been vital to Mini First Aid Sussex becoming a winning business – not only on the grounds of idea sharing and morale-boosting, but also in enabling flexibility.

“Build your support network inside and outside of your business,” says Jen. “When my mum was diagnosed with sepsis, my trainers stepped in to cover my classes. When I’m stuck in traffic, friends or family have collected my daughter. I’ve been able to help my trainers, friends, and families during their emergencies in return.”

“Recruit staff and franchisees based on values”

Best Leadership and Culture – Revive!

Revive!’s business values, which include integrity, outstanding customer service, technical excellence, and unity, were set out more than 20 years ago. However, they have remained the lynchpin of the mobile repair franchise throughout the decades and were a big focus in the business’ recent award submission.

“We won the BFA’s leadership and culture award and our entry really focused on three pillars: how our values are embedded in our culture, how we have invested in our people, and how this has influenced our business results and those of our franchisees,” explains Cathryn Hayes, franchise director at Revive!

The award has contributed to achieving ambitious growth plans; Revive! has more than 50 franchisees and around 200 mobile smart repair technicians in the UK, with further expansion on the cards.

“The external impact provided through coverage of our win helps to reach both our existing prospective franchisee database and also brings us to the attention of others who might not know us,”says Cathryn. “And internally, the win has made our franchisees and our head office staff really proud to be a part of the Revive! success story.”

Most company’s outline values but these need to be respected and understood by teams if you stand a chance of having a winning culture.

“This isn’t ‘fluffy’ stuff, just words on a page, they need to mean something,” says Cathryn. “Deliver on those values, make them part of your business culture. Recruit staff and franchisees based on the values too and embed them in everything you do.”

“Develop a unique brand and customer experience”

Best Emerging Franchisor – Canopy

Canopy decided to take on the traditional nursery sector by offering something new and reassuring to modern parents – not an easy task. However, the franchise abides by the mantra ‘never be average’, which has seen the business hit new heights with its most recent award.

“We are cultivating a fresh, aspirational new nursery which performs above and beyond the current boundaries of a ‘traditional’ nursery,” confirms Lynne Newman, business development director at Canopy.

The franchise’s submission focused on the innovations it had rolled out under the brand. “We have developed our own early years curriculum called the Canopy Code to develop skills that children need in order to develop lifelong learning: Curious Explorers, Inquisitive Thinkers, Independent Learners and Confident Communities,” says Lynne.

The franchise also highlighted ‘Canopy Cares’, which aims to firm up sustainable practices and continue to drive sustainability strategy forward. “This was reinforced by feedback from the first Canopy franchisees who are now running the nursery of their dreams, combined with an overview of their performance results,” says Lynne.

She says the win has already raised the profile of Canopy within the franchising industry. It’s now hoped this will lead to growing awareness and trust in the business model as well as the brand which strives to be individual.

“Develop a unique brand and customer experience. Only recruit franchisees who ‘get’ your vision and then train and support them to deliver it,” says Lynne.

2023 BFA HSBC British Franchise Award Winners

Franchisor Awards

● Franchisor of the Year – Gold – Agency Express

● Franchisor of the Year – Silver – Driver Hire

● Franchisor of the Year – Bronze – InXpress

● Franchisor of the Year – Lifestyle – Extra Help

● Leadership and Culture – Revive!

● Brand Awareness – Water Babies

● Emerging – joint winners – Canopy and Rise

● Trailblazer – Water Babies

Franchisee Awards

● Lifestyle – Jen Fisher, Mini First Aid

● Next Generation – Brandon Akerman, Chips Away

● Community Focus – Diljit Brar, Costa Coffee

● Trailblazer – Siva Kugathas, ServiceMaster Clean (Contract Services)

● Single Brand, HSBC Best in Class, Multi Unit – Suhail Rehman, Home Instead

● Multi Brand, HSBC Best in Class, Multi Unit – Raja Adil, The Adil Group

● Special Judges Award – Angelina Mouralidarane, Iceking

● Franchisee People’s Choice - Siva Kugathas, ServiceMaster Clean (Contract Services)

Illustrations: Huza Studio

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