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Young entrepreneur

Young entrepreneur

25-year-old Jack Miller is embarking on a journey to future success with Right at Home

As the youngest franchisee in the Right at Home network, Jack Miller is ready to take on the challenge of his new business.

Having researched the right franchise for four years, he knows Right at Home are a well supported brand he - and his clients - can trust.

Ready for business

On March 8 Jack and his team entered their new Right at Home (RaH) Chippenham and Trowbridge office ready for business. For the 25-year-old entrepreneur, the journey has meant acknowledging the risks. This may be a new industry and a new venture for Jack, but his new business is based on the solid foundation of an established homecare brand.

While he previously enjoyed working in telecommunications, Jack knew it wasn’t what he wanted to spend his career doing. So he started investigating franchising.

It was while scrolling through LinkedIn that he noticed a previous manager he had respected was now running Right at Home Sefton. “I was curious,” Jack says. “I read through their website to discover more.”

RaH UK provides premium quality, local homecare. Business owners are committed to delivering the kind of homecare service we want our own family to receive, should they ever need support to continue living independently in their own homes. Franchisees build more than just a business; they build a local team dedicated to making a difference every day.

Jack hadn’t considered the care sector as a viable option for starting a business.

“To me, the care industry seemed incredibly risky,” he explains. “Being only 25, I felt I didn’t have the industry experience or knowledge. Most of my understanding of care had come from negative stories in the press. As I’d wanted to build a successful business, this had initially struck me as too risky an industry.”

However, in attending a RaH discovery day with his father, Jack’s fears were soon allayed.

“Spending time with Right at Home, I quickly realised how the support of the right brand makes care a safe industry to work in,” he says. “I immediately felt RaH were the right franchise opportunity for me.

The added security of Ken Deary as CEO and my old manager, upon whom I can call on for guidance, helped me see they are a well supported brand.”

No experience necessary

Like Jack, 95 per cent of RaH business owners had no previous care experience before joining. RaH UK, since franchising in 2011, has established the procedures and systems locally run offices need to meet the care sector’s stringent regulations.

“RaH has the industry knowledge,” Jack explains. “So as well as the excellent training they provided, I have compliance experts and business support managers I can approach. I’m also in communication with 20 local franchisees through Facebook. This all gave me confidence to start my RaH business.”

Jack understands some clients may have concerns because of his age. But he says: “Having RaH behind me gives us a great foundation. The knowledge and experience of my registered manager will help us create an exceptional team of CareGivers, who will truly make a difference to people’s lives.”