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“Tutor Doctor has given me the opportunity that I was looking for”

“Tutor Doctor has given me the opportunity that I was looking for”

The Greenwich-based franchisee, Amrit Rahi, continues to provide education employment and training to vulnerable young people

Tutor Doctor franchisee for Greenwich, Amrit Rahi, can celebrate five years of a job well done with the education company. Having completed five years and 10,000 hours of tutoring, Tutor Doctor Greenwich has certified its mastery status as a leading education provider in London.

Having worked in youth services prior to joining Tutor Doctor, Amrit has continued this passion in her franchise, providing education, employment and training to vulnerable young people who have come from backgrounds with unequal opportunities to establish a better starting point for their futures.

She said: “In the face of personal adversity, I became really motivated to crack on and elevate Tutor Doctor to the next level. I’ve always had my brilliant team of passionate and caring women with me every step of the way, which was even more important during the pandemic when we were ensuring Tutor Doctor became even more accessible to those who needed our services.

“The least we could do during the international crisis was to fill the education gap that had been exposed due to the pandemic. We were fortunately in a position to do so. Through elevating our services, we have been able to hit the ground running out of the pandemic with our amazing community of more than 250 tutors taking on more responsibility and becoming key figures in the lives and wellbeing of children in our community.

“With this, I have also been able to devote my time towards my education consultancy role for Lambeth Council, which supports young people that are in care, by giving them a solid chance at reaching their full potential. I’ve devoted a lot of passion to working with this cohort of young people that have begun with the least chances and have ultimately risen up to reach their full potential. My current role has even enabled me to help asylum seekers and refugees get into employment and help other vulnerable young people find apprenticeships and traineeships.”

The Tutor Doctor Greenwich team has always been socially conscious. This year it has given back by donating a portion of its proceeds to the mental health charity MIND. The franchise continues to grow as a pillar of the local community with the number of families and schools it works with almost doubling every year since opening. Amrit certainly is grateful for the change Tutor Doctor has enabled her to enact in her life.

She said: “Tutor Doctor has given me the opportunity that I was looking for. I love being able to see children and young people achieve their full potential in every way – whether it be academic or personally. Seeing results and making families happy is very rewarding to me. But not only that, it has enabled me to spend more time with my children. I regularly take my children to and from school, so it’s had an overwhelmingly positive impact on my family life too.”

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