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Here are the hard facts about what a Shuttercraft franchise can do for you

Here are the hard facts about what a Shuttercraft franchise can do for you

Do these numbers add up for you?

Choosing a franchise needs careful consideration when it comes to the features that are most important to you and will give you the greatest satisfaction from running your own business.

In your working life, what are the things you enjoy most and which franchise options will enable you to spend most time doing them?

How much do you want to invest? What’s your budget and how can you get the best value from the various options on offer?

What plans do you have for your venture into franchising? Is it important that you choose a franchise you can grow and develop or is it more about getting the lifestyle you want or maybe a mixture of both?

Are you building a business for future generations? Do you want to build a framework that enables you to hand it over when the time is right?

These are all crucial questions and you need to work through what is important to you and develop a process that helps you decide which franchise to choose.

Sales and income

But what’s even more fundamental than many of the questions you will ask yourself is what you can expect from a franchise in terms of sales and income. After all, it’s not just about the dreams and aspirations you have, but about the hard facts of what the franchise will deliver for you. Most, if not all, franchises will offer you full support and training. The majority will have a great network of individuals who support each other. Some will offer fantastic products or services that you really want to sell.

Significant figures

Shuttercraft understands the dynamics and considerations that go into making your choice, but not only does this company provide everything in terms of award winning training and support, excellent products and a model that enables you to grow and develop, it also has significant figures that back up the company’s franchise proposition, including:

  • 80 per cent of leads generated by the Shuttercraft head office team to support your business.
  • 60 per cent of leads generated by head office convert to a sale.
  • The average sale price is £650.
  • Average of £32,000 per month in retail sales for each franchise partner.
  • £100,000 gross profit achievable in three years.
  • Cash flow positive in six months.

Whatever you decide are the most important features for you, take a good hard look at the numbers. Evidence of what is achievable will help you start with the confidence to flourish.

At a glance Shuttercraft



Number of franchised outlets:


Location of units:


Minimum required capital:

£27,495 (plus VAT)


Lisa Stead

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Expected Revenue After 2 Years


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