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PPP Partners Ron Gadolfo and Shirley Lawrence

Ron Gandolfo and Shirley Lawrence joined PPP in October 2012 after spending a combined 60 years, including many as headteachers, leading very hectic lives in primary education. They were more than ready for a change of career which would provide them with new and different challenges. So they started looking for a franchise opportunity that delivered their ideal work/life balance as well as providing an opportunity to work together again.

They visited the Manchester Franchise Exhibition to investigate the available options. The idea of a franchise appealed, but they feared not finding something that would suit. They quickly discounted fast food, care homes and more. They weren’t looking to buy a job but a change of lifestyle.

“We walked past the PPP stand on several occasions thinking we wouldn’t be able to afford it, but kept coming back and were drawn into discussions with the representatives on the stand, who we thought were excellent advocates for PPP,” said Ron. “We also attended a presentation and our interest was captured at many levels – property, design, creativity, business and people. Here was an opportunity to provide top quality accommodation for young profession people, learn new skills and supplement our pensions at the same time – and all with support! We knew this was not something we could do on our own.”

Shirley added: “The Discovery Day established that this was the right decision for us. Subsequently, speaking to three experienced Partners confirmed that we really were selecting the right company.  The more we heard, the more we wanted to have this opportunity – we just hoped that PPP would think so too!”

Shirley and Ron remortgaged their home to release equity and used inheritance money, pension lump sums and endowment policies to fund their investment with PPP. Since joining, they have purchased and refurbished two properties and are close to completing the purchase of their third.

Joining Platinum Property Partners has certainly delivered on improving both their financial security and their lifestyle. They have a lot more free time to spend with their family, go away at short notice or pursue other individual interests. They are confident that choosing to be Partners with PPP was the right option.

Ron said: “Being part of the PPP family has introduced us to some really high calibre and lovely people. There has been a huge amount to learn – which we have loved and we have been thoroughly well supported. We would not have been able to develop our portfolio and our business without this support.”

Shirley added: “We have really benefitted from the excitement, interest and challenge of running our own business. It has also brought unexpected benefits such as the social side of PPP and enjoying being a landlord.”


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£50,000 to £150,000

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