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BforB champions the value of face-to-face interaction

BforB champions the value of face-to-face interaction

In an ever-changing climate this company is spearheading the changes of business marketing in a new and innovative way

So much changed in the last two years, the innovation, new ways things are done, and in some cases changes that are now generally accepted as a way of life: You never used to be able to get food delivered from brands like Burger King, McDonald’s or Subway delivered, but changes such as this, seem to be here to stay in our society.

When the lockdown came in, the tried, tested and classic method of business networking ground to a halt. No longer were business owners able to seal a deal with a handshake, or look their partners, suppliers and customers in the eye during negotiations and know that they could trust the person sitting opposite them.

The networking industry, like most, responded really well to the change, shifting everything online. It became possible, for a lot of businesses: to continue; many businesses swapped the formalities of a desk chair and a pressed shirt and tie for a sofa, T-shirt and shorts, but business continued. Unfortunately, many suffered beyond breaking point and had to close. But it was recorded by the ONS in Sept 2021 that a total of 6.7 million businesses trading in the UK, about 700,000+ more than pre-pandemic!

People, like other primates, are social creatures, 70 per cent of communication is non-verbal, and during the reign of the Zoom and Teams meeting there was an obvious decrease in the quality of business networking, people cutting meetings short to get on the school run or turning the camera off to answer a call or get the Amazon delivery from the door. Behaviours that would never have existed in the face-to-face networking environment.

With 65 per cent of products bought and sold by word of mouth or recommendation, it’s time to rebuild the world’s supply chain network and drive local economies forward again. You can’t force trust between people, personally or professionally, but we can provide the ideal conditions for it to develop and build stronger relationships.

Businesses across the country are embracing face-to-face networking once more, there is still a place for the digital environment of course. But BforB – UK, is once again championing the value of getting out and enjoying the merits of face-to-face. It is so much easier to build a Know, Like, Trust relationship with someone when you are in front of them, and these relationships are critical to allow the generation and passing of the valuable referrals every business relies on to generate revenue. Go and meet someone, in person today, and feel the difference of stronger relationships.

At a glance

Established: 2001
Location of Units: U.K. and global
Investment Range: £15,000 + VAT
Contact:, or call 0330 118 8980

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Circa £200,000 AFTER fees

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