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“Why I’m proud to support business owners”

“Why I’m proud to support business owners”

After three years coaching businesses, Jeremy Graham-Clare has created 100 new jobs in his local community

With 23 years of experience in setting up, operating and managing businesses, Jeremy Graham-Clare is no stranger to business coaching.

During the 2008 financial crisis, he enlisted the help of a coach, who helped take the company he was with at the time from good to great. Little did he know this experience would prove integral to the rest of his career.

Whilst searching for his next opportunity, Jeremy spotted a familiar name. He’d become aware of ActionCOACH over the years and although he could see the value of business coaching, he hadn’t considered becoming a coach himself. Jeremy spoke with several other franchise partners during his due diligence, as well as meeting with the UK Support Team, before launching ActionCOACH St Albans in January 2017.

Goal setting

He says: “Right from the start, it was all about helping as many business owners as possible, so I set myself a target of 20 one-to-one and group coaching clients for year one. I also set myself my own personal goal of creating 1,000 jobs in the area.”

Now, over three years later, Jeremy’s business is thriving. In 2019, the ActionCOACH exclusive firm builder licence was introduced, giving franchise partners the opportunity to work with over 10,000 businesses in their territory. Jeremy jumped at the chance to upgrade.

“Not only has ActionCOACH helped me grow my business, the impact that it’s had on my personal life has been amazing,” he says. “Whereas in my previous career I was working 14-hour days, I’m now able to take my children to school and pick them up four days a week.

“Throughout lockdown, I exceeded an average monthly income of £30,000. I’m proud that I’m able to support business owners at their time of need and transform their lives too. So far I’ve helped to create 100 jobs in the businesses I’ve coached.”

Next steps

Jeremy currently coaches 37 clients in both one-to-one and group coaching environments, which includes ActionCOACH’s additional programmes BookCLUB, GrowthCLUB and BusinessCLUB. Not one to rest on his laurels, he has his sights set on taking things even further.

“The next steps in my business will be to bring in three more office staff and an employee coach,” Jeremy says. “This will help me manage the business from a top level, creating a buzzing firm with plenty of great clients. Ultimately, I’m preparing for when I want to take a step back from the business and have it work without me.

“The feeling of community and support I receive from the whole network is simply staggering - I can’t put into words how useful it’s been in getting my business off the ground.”

At a glance ActionCOACH


1993 in Australia. 2001 in UK

Number of franchised outlets:

200-plus in the UK

Location of units:


Investment range:


Minimum required capital:



If you would like to know more about the ActionCOACH opportunity and you’re the kind of person who:
A. Loves learning and developing yourself;
B. Has enjoyed success in your career or sport; and
C. Is willing to invest if they see substantial returns can be made…
Then find out more by watching the overview video at overview

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