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Find your reason for being

Find your reason for being

Join UK Business Mentoring and build your business by helping other business owners

Ten years ago, having tired of corporate life, Joe Hinton, the founder and managing director of UK Business Mentoring, sat down and considered what he wanted to do with the remainder of his working life.

Having gone through the process of writing down his options under the headings of ‘What he enjoyed’ and ‘What he was good at’, he narrowed it down to coaching and mentoring and helping businesses. This Joe found to be his ‘Ikigai’ - which means ‘reason for being’ in Japanese - and UK Business Mentoring was formed in 2009.

Since that time the business has developed tools and models to help small business owners overcome the many barriers that prevent growth. One of these being the Zulu Business Model, a graphic system that helps businesses to structure for growth. Today, the company is proud of the fact that, on the basis of its clients’ testimonials, it’s ranked number one in the UK for both business coaching and mentoring.

New franchisees

UKBM seeks franchisees who have, through their career to date, already gained a broad depth of commercial experience. Ideally, these will be in areas such as financials, leadership, management, marketing and sales.

As Joe says: “We can teach you to coach, mentor and present, but we can’t teach you everything you will need to know about business.”

Extensive support

A full week’s training course will equip you with the skills to coach, mentor and present excellent seminars aimed at providing business owners with practical advice and guidance. In addition, you will be shown how to use the company’s tools and models to best support your clients. In your first year you will also be given a ‘buddy mentor’, who will be in regular contact with you to help you develop your franchise area.

What are the key benefits of a UKBM franchise? Pilot franchisee Chris May sums it up as follows:

  • Autonomy to run your own business.
  • First class training and ongoing support from the directors.
  • Being part of a team committed to the highest level of service and value.
  • Satisfaction in helping others to succeed.
  • High income (£150,000 per annum by the third year).

Of the franchise, Chris says: “It’s been amazing. I feel like everything that I did in my 30 years in corporate life was my apprenticeship for this role. I love it.”

At a glance UK Business Mentoring

Established: 2009
Number of franchised outlets: 4
Location of units: nationwide
Investment range: £30,000
Minimum required capital: £15,000