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You can partner with a polished performer

You can partner with a polished performer

Why you should choose a Zerodrytime franchise over starting on your own

In the last four years, the UK franchise service-based industry has grown by an incredible 10 per cent, meaning this sector now contributes over £15 billion to the UK economy.

Today, franchising goes beyond just selling physical products.

Services like cleaning and restoration are rapidly growing opportunities. The Zerodrytime story is testimony to the rising popularity of franchising in the cleaning and sanitisation sector.

The UK has in excess of 26 million households and many businesses - just imagine how many need carpet, leather, upholstery and hard floor cleaning.

Zerodrytime founder, David Muirhead, operated a commercial contract cleaning company before turning his hand to carpets and upholstery. In 2006, Zerodrytime was launched.

Utilising the latest technology and David’s advanced industry knowledge, Zerodrytime continues to grow each year. Currently, there are 73-plus franchisees across the UK and Northern Ireland, with more to join the Zerodrytime family in the coming months.

Proven successful track record

Successful franchises tend to be those with clear business models that consistently deliver impressive results to their customers.

Over the years, Zerodrytime franchisees have built a track record for success that demonstrates the realistic potential for a new franchisee.

Franchisees are proud of this achievement and the company actively encourages anyone considering joining the Zerodrytime franchise to speak to existing franchisees and support these claims.

Established brand

Anyone who has built a business from scratch knows that developing a strong brand can be a slow, exhausting process.

One of the biggest advantages of franchising is that you’re buying into an already well established brand that has a perceived value in the eyes of consumers.

Training and support

Sometimes people forget that it’s in the company’s interest to give its franchisees the greatest possible chance to succeed.

Zerodrytime’s proven business model is perfectly positioned to teach new and existing franchisees the secrets of success.

The team based at the company’s head office and training centre in the north east ensure new franchisees get on the road to a successful future with a series of mandatory training programmes that must be completed before hitting the road.

They need to understand and learn the franchise’s values, business model and processes. New franchisees don’t need any carpet cleaning experience. The Zerodrytime team, headed up by David, train you in every part of the process.

Most importantly, new franchisees are given real-life training in customers’ homes and business premises, so they can see the Zerodrytime system first-hand, learning all the techniques, tips and terminology of the trade.

Beyond initial training, a good franchise continues to support its franchisees, helping them build better, more profitable relationships as they go.

Zerodrytime is continuously launching new products and marketing strategies to further support franchisees, increasing available sales collateral, allowing franchisees more time to focus on building their customer base and a business everyone can be proud of.

At a glance


May 2008

Number of franchised outlets:


Location of units:

across the UK

Investment range:

£24,950 (plus VAT)

Minimum required capital:

funding available


David Muirhead

Zerodrytime logo

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